TETAF September News View in browser 

September 2024

Reflections on the 

Texas Trauma System

August was certainly a month of reflecting on our trauma system. With the formal comment process beginning for the proposed trauma designation rules and TETAF's 35th Anniversary Celebration of the Texas Trauma System, there were many thoughts on the foundation of the system, how much our system has evolved, and how our system could be stronger in the future. As you know, TETAF submitted formal written comments and more details are below. 

It was incredibly beneficial during this process to hear from those who were the boots on the ground establishing the Texas Trauma System. TETAF had the privilege during the 35th Anniversary Celebration of the Texas Trauma System to recognize those we believe were instrumental in establishing the system. These leaders were tenacious as legislation was refined and passed, rules were developed, and the foundation was laid for the system we all recognize today. Those recognized were Mike Click, RN; James "Red" Duke, Jr., M.D.; Judy England, RN; Kenneth Mattox, M.D., FACS; Kathy Perkins, RN, MBA; Craig Rhyne, M.D., FACS, and Erwin Thal, M.D., FACS. It was an honor to have family members of those who have passed. All of the speeches shared gave our more than 225 attendees (Thank you to all who attended!) a heartfelt reminder of how much of a difference our trauma system has made. It is my hope that all of us work together to continue their tremendous work.  

And thanks to all of you for your hard work. Our trauma system remains strong because of your dedication.

All the best,


Happy September! I greatly appreciate all of you who participated last month in our stakeholder discussion on the proposed trauma rules. As the proposed rules go through the process, we will share updates with all of you and continue to help answer any questions.

Meanwhile, for those who are in need of continuing education, the next TETAF Hospital Data Management Course (HDMC) is scheduled for October 29-30. This is offered virtually and this course meets the current state rule requirements for Level III and Level IV trauma registrars. More details are below. 

I am always happy to answer any questions you may have about an upcoming survey, to the proposed trauma rules, or anything else trauma related. Email me at trowden@tetaf.org.

TETAF Submits Formal Written Comments to the Proposed Trauma Designation Rules

TETAF submitted its formal written comments to the proposed Chapter 157 trauma rules to the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS). The letter submitted to DSHS is linked below along with an abbreviated version. TETAF would like to thank its Board of Directors and all stakeholders who have shared feedback to further develop these comments.

Registration Opens This Month

Use this space to introduce subscribers to the topic of this newsletter.

TETAF Hospital Data Management Course Set for October 29-30

The next TETAF Hospital Data Management Course (HDMC) will be held virtually on Tuesday, October 29 and Wednesday, October 30. An email will go out this month once registration opens. Sign up to receive early notification of registration opening!

SAVE THE DATE: TETAF Board, TETAF General Assembly, RAC Summit

The next TETAF Board of Directors meeting will be on December 12 at 10:00 a.m., followed by the TETAF General Assembly meeting at 1:00 p.m. with the Regional Advisory Council (RAC) Summit beginning at 3:00 p.m. The meetings will take place at Estancia del Norte, 37 NE Loop 410, San Antonio, TX 78216. More information about hotel rooms will be sent in the next couple of weeks

TETAF Seeks Qualified Candidates to Serve on its Board of Directors

Each year, the TETAF General Assembly, which is comprised of two voting members from each Regional Advisory Council (RAC), meet to vote on a slate of nominees to serve on the TETAF Board of Directors. Next month, TETAF will seek nominations for qualified candidates to serve on the board for three-year term.

Members of the TETAF Board of Directors shall have the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to support the purposes of the organization. Board members should not be individuals entitled to vote in the TETAF General Assembly. Every effort shall be made to recruit and nominate individuals who will result in a multi-disciplinary board with diversity of geography and experience.

If you or someone you know qualifies to serve on the TETAF Board, please watch for an email next month with the call for nominations to the board.

Thank you!

TETAF would like to thank all of our sponsors and those who attended, "Boots & Bling: 35th Anniversary of the Texas Trauma System." We hope everyone had a wonderful time! An update on the newly-formed TETAF Rural Trauma System Development Fund will be shared soon. 

Texas Trauma News

EMS Trauma Awards Deadline is Sept. 13

The deadline to nominate individuals and organizations for exceptional care and service for the Texas EMS Trauma Awards is September 13. 

UT Health Houston to Host 

Geriatric Trauma Symposium

The 2024 Geriatric Trauma Symposium will be held at UT Health Houston on November 15 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The event is for all providers who encounter geriatric trauma patients in pre-hospital, emergency, acute, and post-acute settings.


3400 Enfield Road, Austin

Texas, United States of America

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